UX/UI Design

Agile Solutions, redesigned – The new face of VARIACTION

In the sector of business evolution, Variaction.biz stands out as a leader of innovation and adaptability. Specialising in agile training and consultancy, this Italian start-up focuses on the nuanced “soft skills” sector of the Italian market, helping businesses in navigating the complexities of change with targeted consulting and coaching services.

When Variaction.biz set out to revamp its online presence, it was essential to align every aspect with its core mission and values. Collaborating closely with COMMpla, Variaction’s existing vision served as the guiding light for the website’s graphical and structural revamp.
While Variaction had already laid the groundwork for its visual identity, COMMpla properly translated these plans into a digital reality by revamping the website’s graphic and structural development, ensuring that every interaction reflects Variaction’s unique values.

COMMpla worked on the graphic and structural development of the institutional website, taking into consideration the tone of voice to be used with the customer on one hand, and developing the specific requests in a fully responsive WordPress website with a fully optimised user experience from both mobile and desktop devices on the other. Finally, COMMpla took care of the first SEO optimization carried out during the go-live phase of www.variaction.biz