Software and Product Development

From Hybrid to Kotlin Multiplatform: Our New Approach to Mobile App Development

At COMMpla, we’ve always prioritised delivering high-quality, efficient solutions for our clients. For years, we relied on hybrid frameworks like Ionic and React Native to develop cross-platform mobile apps. These tools allowed us to use a single codebase for both Android and iOS, saving time and reducing costs. However, as technology advances, so must we. That’s why we’ve recently transitioned to using Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform for our app development projects.

Initially, the use of hybrid frameworks was a game-changer for us. They offered us a single codebase, cost efficiency and rapid development. This approach let us build apps that were feature-rich and leveraged device capabilities like cameras, GPS, and push notifications.

But while hybrid frameworks served us well, Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform offer several advantages that compelled us to make the switch:

Better Performance and Native Experience: Kotlin Multiplatform allows us to write shared business logic code while still implementing platform-specific code when needed. This ensures that our apps perform optimally on both Android and iOS, delivering a truly native experience to users. Compose Multiplatform offers a modern toolkit for building native UI, making apps smooth and responsive.

Improved Code Quality and Maintenance Kotlin, a statically-typed language, helps us catch errors at compile time, reducing runtime errors and leading to more reliable code. With previous solution such as React Native and Angular, we could not be able to catch some errors during the building phase. The seamless integration of Kotlin with Android and iOS development environments allows our developers to work more efficiently.

Future-Proof Development Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform are supported by JetBrains and Google, ensuring they will continue to evolve and improve. By adopting these technologies, we’re positioning ourselves at the forefront of mobile development, ready to take advantage of future advancements.

The switch to Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform has already shown positive results. Our developers appreciate the streamlined workflow and the ability to reuse code across platforms without sacrificing performance or user experience. Our clients benefit from faster development cycles and higher-quality apps. For instance, in one of our recent projects, the Prepsoil mobile app, we needed seamless integration with various third-party services (i.e. Google Maps, Firebase and Website auth) and native device features. Using Kotlin Multiplatform, we streamlined the development process and delivered a high-performing app that exceeded our client’s expectations.

Our transition from hybrid frameworks to Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform marks a significant step forward in our commitment to innovation and excellence. While hybrid development offered many benefits, the superior performance, code quality, and future-proof nature of Kotlin’s ecosystem have proven invaluable. We are excited to continue leveraging these technologies to build cutting-edge mobile applications that delight our clients and their users.

If you want to learn more about our approach to developing mobile apps, you can read our previous blog on the topic.

If you’re looking for a development partner that stays ahead of the curve and delivers top-notch mobile solutions, contact us today to discuss how we can bring your app ideas to life with the latest in mobile development technology.