Logo design &
visual communication

Logo, payoff, letterheads, websites, business cards, gadgets, and any other physical or digital items must convey a clear and consistent brand message.
Identify your brand goals

We help you recognise the issues and needs that your brand can tackle.

Identify your ideal customers

Understand clearly what your target audience is.

Identify competitors

Market research and analysis to develop a different strategy or look for proven success stories.

COMMpla Brand identity

choose COMMpla?

a logo is easy

The role of professionals like us is to make sure your logo is effective and conveys the entire brand identity.


The logo is like the tip of an iceberg, the visible part of your whole brand which already shows its key features.

Don’t beat
about the bush

We love Brand identity and we love challenging projects!

Tell us about yours and we’ll be happy to help you make it possible, while delighting your users..

    Brand identity Case Studies

    Brand identity news from our blog