Software and Product Development

Tailor-Made Software Solutions: The Power of Custom Development at COMMpla

At COMMpla, we believe in crafting software solutions that seamlessly integrate with your specific needs. While Content Management Systems (CMS) offer a valuable starting point for many projects, sometimes a more robust and adaptable approach is required. This is where custom development shines.

Custom Development: Building Software Your Way

Custom development allows us to build software applications entirely from scratch. Much like a sculptor transforms a raw block of marble into a masterpiece, custom development offers a superior level of creative control. Every detail, from the underlying architecture to the user interface, is designed specifically to meet your requirements and workflows.

At COMMpla, we firmly believe in close collaboration with our clients. We work together to define every stage of the development workflow. Our expertise is always applied to ensure the code’s architecture aligns with your needs. We also work with you to establish transparency and awareness around both our expertise and your expectations.

The main benefits of Custom Development include:

  • Enhanced Scalability: Your software can grow alongside your business. Custom solutions are designed to be adaptable, accommodating future needs and integrations.
  • Optimal Security: With complete control over the codebase, we can implement the highest security measures to protect your sensitive data.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Custom software can be tailored to integrate seamlessly with your existing systems and processes, boosting efficiency and productivity.

Real-World Examples: The Power of Custom in Action

Let’s look at some examples of our work to see how the implementation of custom development provided the desired solutions. Together with out controlling company, Trust-IT Services, we delivered on the following services.

  • Trust Grants™ Platform: Online workflow for Proposals and Grants that manages applications and online processes, which can be customised to specific user needs, including: a customised dashboard monitors progress, step by step guide on the admin process and customised milestone and deliverable submissions. Custom development needed to be completely free to move around functionalities coming from our experience in this field.
  • Project Tools for, a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) project funded by the European Union Horizon Europe Programme:
    • Standards Orientation Tool: The interactive nature of this tool, requiring personalized guidance and user input, necessitated a custom development approach. This ensured a dynamic and engaging user experience.
    • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) Management Platform: The specific needs of managing and collaborating on SOPs demanded a custom solution for optimal efficiency. Custom development allowed for features tailored to streamline SOP creation, storage, and access control.


ECMWF Parameter Database: As we were contracted by ECMWF to develop a tool starting from an already existing production, finding the possible UX/UI enhancements and preparing a production ready prototype, we implemented a series of developmental steps to fully satisfy the complex task.

The developmental tasks were:

  • Understanding the aim of the tool.
  • Discovering the main pain points for the stakeholders that are managing/using the platform.
  • Providing a list of possible improvements.
  • Defining the wireflows, wireframes, and mock-up.
  • Implementing an application with the capabilities to edit/delete/add parameter and its representations.
  • Managing the authentication of the user, following the role of the user and show different capabilities based on the role of the user. Admin users were required to be the only ones able to access the functionalities of add/edit and delete with several other information related to the status of the representation / parameters.

Thanks to the flexibility of Custom Development and our expertise in bringing to life the vision of our clients, the resulting tool was able to satisfy all the requirements and the Parameter Database is integrated into the ECMWF website to provide the best possible results.

The COMMpla Advantage: Your Vision, Our Expertise

Our team of experienced developers possesses a deep understanding of different programming languages and frameworks. We will work collaboratively with you to understand your vision and translate it into a robust and user-friendly software solution. By choosing COMMpla, you’re not just getting a software solution; you’re partnering with a team dedicated to your success. We bring creativity, precision, and a client-centred approach to every project, ensuring your software is perfectly tailored to your needs.

Ready to bring your vision to life with a tailor-made software solution? Contact us today to discuss how we can help transform your ideas into reality.