The PREPSOIL mobile app

Engaging Citizens in Soil Health Monitoring
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Prepsoil Mobile App

The Project challenge

The PREPSOIL Mobile App, an integral part of the PREPSOIL Project, complements the Web Portal. As COMMpla, we are part of the PREPSOIL project consortium as a controlled entity of Trust-IT Services.

Our challenge was to create an engaging mobile application that would encourage citizens, students, and families to actively participate in soil health monitoring and awareness. The app needed to facilitate real-time observations from users while providing access to educational tools and materials developed by PREPSOIL.


The PREPSOIL Mobile App has been envisioned as one of the engagement channels to enable citizens and other stakeholders to contribute insights on soil and join efforts in raising awareness about soil health across Europe. The target audience includes citizens and students, academia and research centres, and soil living labs and lighthouses. The overarching goal of the app is to foster a sense of community and shared responsibility towards soil health, leveraging the collective knowledge and observations of its users to create a comprehensive and dynamic understanding of soil conditions across Europe.

Design and Development Process

The development of the PREPSOIL Mobile App followed the Agile methodology, allowing for adaptive and iterative improvements based on stakeholder feedback. The development process consisted of six stages:

  1. Ideation and Planning
    We began by defining user needs, objectives, user flow, and potential features. This phase involved extensive brainstorming sessions with PREPSOIL partners to ensure all possible user scenarios and requirements were considered.
  2. Design
    Our design phase included creating low-fidelity wireframes, mock-ups, and component designs. We finalised designs after validation with PREPSOIL partners, emphasising an intuitive and visually appealing interface to engage users and facilitate easy navigation.
    Learn more about our UX design and UI design services at COMMpla.
  3. Development
    We set up the technical infrastructure, integrated APIs and databases, ensured code quality and security, and fixed bugs. Regular code reviews and integration testing were conducted to maintain high standards of quality and performance.
  4. Testing
    We conducted alpha and beta testing with external end-users to ensure usability and performance. The feedback gathered during these phases was critical in identifying and resolving issues related to functionality and user experience.
  5. Iteration/Development
    Based on beta testing feedback, we refined the app and implemented final adjustments. This stage involved close collaboration with PREPSOIL partners to ensure all feedback was adequately addressed and the app met its intended objectives.
  6. Launch
    The development process was then concluded with the publication on the app stores.

Prepsoil App Design
Prepsoil App Stores

Features and Functionality

The PREPSOIL Mobile App incorporates several key features designed to enhance user engagement and provide valuable tools for soil monitoring:

  • Access to PREPSOIL Tools: the app offers a Knowledge Hub with comprehensive information on soil health, best practices, and research findings. It also includes PREPSOIL TV, featuring educational videos, interviews, and workshop highlights. An Interactive Map allows users to explore Soil Living Labs and Lighthouses across Europe.
  • Soil Quests: users can contribute real-time observations through dedicated quests, gathering data on soil conditions, biodiversity, and other relevant factors.
  • Citizen Insights: the app enables users to share spontaneous observations and experiences related to soil health, contributing to a broader dataset.
  • Gamification: to encourage active participation, the app incorporates rewards and badges for completing quests and exploring resources.
  • Push Notifications: users receive alerts about new quests in their region, ensuring they stay informed about opportunities to contribute.

Technologies and Tools

The development of the PREPSOIL Mobile App involved the use of modern design and development tools:

  • Design and Prototyping: we utilised Figma for creating detailed design mock-ups and interactive prototypes. This approach facilitated effective feedback and validation from stakeholders throughout the design process.
  • Development: the app was built using Kotlin Multiplatform and Compose Multiplatform. We selected these technologies to ensure optimal performance, scalability, and cross-platform compatibility. This choice enables us to provide a seamless experience for both Android and iOS users (you can read more about this topic in our blog post here).


Download the App

The PREPSOIL Mobile App is available for download on both Google Play for Android and the App Store for iOS.
Join the effort to monitor and improve soil health by contributing your observations and exploring the educational resources provided by PREPSOIL. Download the app today and become a part of the growing community dedicated to protecting Europe’s soil health.

Google Play App Store


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